Broadening our horizons


We’ve been a bit busy this week, but we have found time to view two of the propeties for a second time – this time with some friends for a second opinion. The two that we liked were Berkley Court and Queen’s Road.

After we’d looked for a second time, we decided we would like to put in an offer on Berkley Court. However, we wanted to get some mortgage advice first, so we arranged an appointment for today (Saturday) with the financial adviser at Townends estate agents.

What we discovered was that we could easily borrow enough to offer on Berkley Court – but also, that we could afford a more expensive property if we increased the amount we were prepared to pay per month. So we went home and did some sums, and decided we could push our repayments up to 900 pounds per month. Which means we can look at some slightly more expensive properties.

This has left us a bit unsure what to do. We still like Berkley Court, and feel it is probably a bit of a bargain. There seems less available at the slightly higher prices that fit our criteria, but there are some that might be worth viewing.

So, we decided we should at least view a couple of more expensive places. We saw a couple online, and in fact managed to see one today. This was a Victorian cottage. We were quite excited about seeing a proper house, but the reality was that it wasn’t the same quality as the flats we’ve seen. Both the garden and the house would need quite a bit of work to make it how we would like.

We’ve also booked an appointment to see a property in Lebanon Court on Monday – which actually has an extra room (either bedroom or dining room).

This at least will give us an idea of what we might get for the extra money. I can still see us putting in an offer on Berkley Court (if its still available) – only time will tell.