3rd June 2020

  • Feeling: OK
  • Listening to: nothing today
  • Watching: Great British Sewing Bee

Got up early (6:45) this morning to do some work – always amazed how much I can get done when I actually manage to get up before 8!

D went for a run again – v impressed she is keeping that going.

Fs teacher rang to check how things were going, and later in the morning after some experimentation with different coloured sheets we re-filmed Fs news report with a new background so we could more easily “green screen” (in this case “maroon screen”) to insert the appropriate backgrounds for each part of the report.

The news anchor look!

B had to take a “still life” photograph for his art by arranging objects of his choice in a pattern on a plain background – so out came the sheet again, and some books and marbles to be arranged and photographed

Having the marbles out inspired F to invent a marble game which she made me and D play – and although she claimed to know the rules, it sometimes felt she was just making them up as she went along 🙂

I had lots of work stuff again today including planning for another course that I’d usually teach face-to-face but instead will be doing online. But after the work day was done I had a lovely virtual choir in the evening (especially lovely to see our pianists new baby boy – just made me smile!), and tomorrow I’m taking the day off to go and visit my Mum – I’m so looking forward to seeing her!

Stay safe, stay strong.

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