- Feeling: Tired out
- Listening to: The Unthanks
- Watching: Vagrant Queen
Didn’t sleep well – various things bothering at my brain (nothing really important, but just small things that are stressing me out). Woke up too early and slept on the sofa for a bit, then came back to bed about the time I should have been waking up and tried to sleep some more – leaving me quite grumpy (I had to apologise to B later for shouting at him).
So a slow start to the day, D walked F to school while I got up late and eventually managed to get to my desk about 10am – just as D was leaving to go into work for a couple of hours.
B had a call from his form teacher today and I talked to her for a bit as well. It was really nice for B to be able to talk to her – a bit of a shame he hasn’t had more direct contact with the staff over this period – but I guess realistically B hasn’t need any specific support and he’s been getting on well with his work.
I had a busy day work-wise – setting up various things for one project and delivering part of an online course in the afternoon.
But the really exciting news of the day is that we finished our jigsaw this evening (despite F’s best efforts to stop us by hiding a piece in her pocket!)

Stay safe, stay strong