7th August 2020


Hot today! Despite this I was determined to get the path at the front done before we went away (tomorrow!) and with some help from D we got it done.

Very exciting when a delivery man (some new reading lamps for us all from Habitat) was the first person to use it to come to our door 🙂

After we’d done that I was pretty exhausted and didn’t get much done the rest of the day (except making a bolognese sauce to take with us tomorrow). In the afternoon, sheltering from the heat, we all watched TV (Merlin, followed by The Boy who Harnessed the Wind – based on a true story about a boy who taught himself enough electrical engineering from a library book to build a wind powered generator.)

It was too hot to be outside most of the afternoon, but in the evening we ordered pizza’s and had them out on the deck. I’ve finally managed to put together the timelapse footage of me building the deck into a video.

Tomorrow we head to Wales (via Cheltenham to pick up my Mum). So excited.

Stay safe, stay strong

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