Monthly Archives: September 2011


We recently decided to turn one of our rooms into a pirate school for the day, with a ship, crocodile infested waters and treasure (assemble all pirate related toys & mix with lots of imagination). I made sure we also included a book corner for more piratical adventures & here are our favourites

Thats Not My Pirate by Fiona Watt and Rachel Wells

I have to confess on not being so keen on this whole series of books, but it was definately a favourite with Bryn when he was a little & he loved all the different textures, silky shirt, shiny cutlass etc. A nice gentle introduction to pirates

That's my pirate, her smile is so sweet

The Troll by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by David Roberts

Bryn got this book last Christmas it has been consistently read ever since and enjoyed by the whole family. It’s such a clever story, intertwining the tale of a troll who lives under bridges looking for a goat & pirates hunting for treasure. The quirky sophisticated illustrations complement the story perfectly while the split panels gives the story a comic book feel & adds some pace. This has been one of those books with many layers which Bryn has enjoyed discovering as he grows, a real gem of a book.

Captain Abdul’s Pirate School by Colin McNaughton

A rollicking read, with sullen protagonist, larger than life pirates, skulduggery, mutiny and plenty of ooh-arrgh. The story is told via the diary pages of Pickles & her days at Captain Abdul’s Pirate school. On stumbling upon a kidnap plot Pickles & fellow classmates show their true pirate colours & declare mutiny. I think Bryn enjoys the familiarity of a school setting especially as his current favourite game is playing nursery & taking the role of teacher. His favourite page is when the cast of teachers are introduced. Personally I feel I don’t do justice to the story when reading it aloud, with so many colourful characters they all deserve a special voice. Each double page spread illustration is also packed with humorous detail and plenty of action.

My name is Captain Bryn the Chatty, I'm a teacher so they say, of pirate stories & sword play

Pirate Pete by Nick Sharratt

This is a ‘change your own story’ with cardboard cut outs of a range of objects which can be inserted into this short simple tale. A year on & I am still amazed that we still have all the cut outs in one piece & still in the book. Originally Bryn was happy just adding the pieces in like a puzzle, he is now appreciating be the creator of funny sentences such as “She had a cake on her head” . Am looking forward to the next stage when Bryn wants to make up his own suggestions for the text & truly begin to create funny stories.

You by Emma Dodd


We’ve been reading this book daily this past week. You is a story about the many reasons a little monkey is loved. It’s a short sweet rhyming tale thats fun to read aloud & shows lots of love, a perfect book to cuddle up for. They illustrations are beautiful depicting a mainly smiley monkey playing in the jungle, I especially liked the last page as the little monkey & parent have their tail entwined into a heart shape. They are also enhanced with flashes of shiny gold which definately caught Freya’s attention, well who can resist some sparkle.

The copy we have also has a soft cover & tough study pages which is ideal with Freya keen to turn pages, grab the book & steer towards her mouth.


I love YOU with your cheeky smile

Funniest storybook ever & Cars and things that go by Richard Scarry


I remember these from when I was young so am pleased to see Bryn enjoying them. Scarry creates a wonderfully bizarre yet familiar world with fascinating detail & humour. I enjoy the illustrations more than the text but Bryn seems happy with both, based on the numerous re-readings. It is one I avoid it at bedtime as it’s easy to spend a lot of time exploring all the fun pictures & spotting what the characters are up to.


Things That Go