This report from Adrian Stevenson from UKOLN. Summit held 2-3 June 2011. Brought together 100 people from around the world, with generous funding from the Internet Archive; National Endowment from the Humanities; Alfred P Sloan foundation.
Adrian’s slides at
Find out more at
85 organisations represented from across libraries, archives, museums.
Summit aimed to be practical and about actionable approaches to publishing Linked Open Data. Looking at Tools, licensing policy/precedents, definitions and use cases.
Meeting ran on a ‘Open Space Technology’ format – some way between a formal conference and an unconference – agenda created via audience proposals – but there were huge numbers of sessions being proposed/run.
First day was more discursive, second day about action.
Some sessions that ran:
Business Case for LOD; Provenance/Scalability; Crowdsourcing LOD; Preservation of RDF/Vocabulary Maintenance
What next?
Connections made; acitivities kick-started
Many more LOD LAM events planned – follow #lodlam on Twitter
#lodlam #london had meeting yesterday; but bigger event planned for November – see for more details as they become available
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