Owen Stephens has been working in the area of digital libraries for over 10 years, and has a wide range of experience in implementing and exploiting systems in libraries. He lead the first implementation of SFX in a UK University and recently launched the Spiral Digital Repository (using DSpace) at Imperial College London. He is currently manager for the JISC funded TELSTAR project at the Open University.
Before joining the TELSTAR project, Owen was at Imperial College London where he was responsible for a wide range of ‘back office’ activity covering Library IT and Technical Services.
Owen been involved in a number of national projects in the UK, most recently as the Project Director of EThOSNet, a joint initiative between UK Universities and the British Library to provide a single point of access to electronic copies of theses awarded by UK Universities.
Owen blogs here at http://www.meanboyfriend.com/overdue_ideas, and you can follow his twitter at http://twitter.com/ostephens
Owen currently lives in Leamington Spa with his wife Damyanti Patel, son, Bryn Patel Stephens and daughter Freya Patel Stephens
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